Stamped and Sealed

Simplest beauty, all tied up with paper string

Wax seal

Colour options: Ebony, White, Traditional Gold

Sizes: Approx 25mm round
Uses: Loose prints, photo mounts, boxes

Durability: x x
Price point: $

Paper twine

Colour options: Natural and white

Sizes: Very fine paper thread enough for whatever you need wrapped.
Uses: Loose prints, photo mounts, boxes

Durability: x x
Price point: $

Wax seal and paper twine

This delicate addition to our packaging range came about when we were trying to work out ways of making just a few prints feel really special. We know often photographers, especially artists will sell or gift just a few very high quality prints. Packaging them in a way that give some respect and ceremony to a humble print was the priority.

Finding the right twine was also critical, this magical twine made in Vienna is impossibly beautiful and wondrously strong while being so very fine.

If you have a wax and stamp you would like us to use you can add that as a Drop ship personalisation product. See more about that here.

Nitty gritty

Our beautiful little wax stamps are poured each one at a time for you, custom to your requests. You can also order the twine separately from the wax seal.

If you have your own seal and wax you can add that to your Drop Ship Personalisation.


  • 7x5 and 6x4

  • fits up to 15 master fine art prints

Add on options

  • use your own custom stamp for the wax seal

Enough! Tell me how much!

This product is available to Atkins Pro approved clients only and not for the general public. If you resell your work or are a professional photographer, artist or an allied business, then we welcome you to apply for Atkins Pro! This will give you access to our full range and wholesale pricing.

General public

If you would like to buy our products as a member of the general public you can buy through an approved Atkins Agent.