Carved in stone

Almost all our products can be personalised in some way with engraving.

Engraving has the ability to have incredible detail and sharpness. Each of our covering materials offers a different look and feel.


Many of our products can be engraved with any design you like. 

Each covering material engraves in a different way, we always encourage our clients to have sample chips made using their own logo.

Check out the gallery above to see some examples of our engraving. We also have designs you can choose from for all your covers, we add your client’s names and details. See them here.

Nitty gritty

Supply your cover design as a jpeg at the album size with what you want engraved in black, and white where you don't want engraving. We have templates to help. If you don't want to design something yourself, we also have a range of standard designs you can select from.

We have a huge range of designs you can use. We will add your clients names to the layout and send it to you for approval.

Products shots by Bentinmarcs on Kodak Portra 400 120 processed and scanned by us.


  • all packaging including boxes, envelopes, pouches and usbs can be engraved

  • front, back, spine and all over engraving available for album covers

  • customise any Atkins engraving design with personalised details

  • supply your own design or logo

Enough! Tell me how much!

This product is available to Atkins Pro approved clients only and not for the general public. If you resell your work or are a professional photographer, artist or an allied business, then we welcome you to apply for Atkins Pro! This will give you access to our full range and wholesale pricing.

General public

If you would like to buy our products as a member of the general public you can buy through an approved Atkins Agent. Please note: We do not offer albums to the general public but our agents can help you.