Colour co-ordinated

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Sampler book

Can't decide on cover options? Get them all! Our lovely sampler book have every colour we offer, with a sample engraving so you can really see the differences between all our materials. ALSO! They include engraving on the cover of your choice. 

Nitty gritty

A customised, compact sampler book to show your clients when it comes time to choose their album cover. Featuring all our cover materials with engraving sample.


  • features all linen, cotton, leather, vegan leather and vegan hand washed paper sample chips

  • purchase via our Welcome Pack menu and get $150 back in customer credit

  • engraving colours vary depending on material

  • premium covers not available for sampler book cover

Add on options

  • engraved personalised details

Enough! Tell me how much!

This product is available to Atkins Pro approved clients only and not for the general public. If you resell your work or are a professional photographer, artist or an allied business, then we welcome you to apply for Atkins Pro! This will give you access to our full range and wholesale pricing.

General public

If you would like to buy our products as a member of the general public you can buy through an approved Atkins Agent.


This is where the magic is made